Thursday, September 24, 2009

What can I do to help preserve biodiversity?

At school
-Join clubs or organizations that work towards being environmentally friendly. Simply being around people with similar interests can make amazing things happen. The Green Team at E.C. Drury is just such a club.

-If there isn't a environmental team at your school...then make one.

-Raise awareness. Talk to your friends about the importance of biodiversity. Start class discussions. Make a poster. Anything!

In the community
-Participate in local environment activities. Go with some friends a have some fun while you help out. Milton has the Ontario Forest Week.

-Buy local, environmentally friendly goods.

-Use the local environmental services like the Green Bin.

In your own life
-Learn more about biodiversity and different species. :-) Some good places to do this are:

-Do NOT use disposable items like plastic bags.

-Know where to dispose of e-waste. (batteries, computers, etc.)

-Recycle, reuse, and conserve.

-Don't buy souvenirs that seem to be made from animals. They could be made out of an endangered animal.